
Improve Your Physical and Mental Health with Joey Thurman

Joey Thurman Season 1 Episode 1

Joey Thurman is a Celebrity PT, author and American TV host. He is best known for his health, fitness and nutrition expertise and you may have watched his ted talk!

He has had many appearances on TV including Good Morning America, CBS, FOX, ABC and Tedx. He has also featured in popular publications such as Mens Health, Fitness Magazine, Womens Health, NPR and many more!

On this episode Joey talks about how he got to where he is today and covers helpful methods you can use to  develop better habits and ways to improve your physical and mental health.  He talks openly about his own personal struggles with mental health and exposes the truths of social media.  

Get ready to get your mind blown! 

Topics include:

  • How did Joey begin his career and become as successful as he is today
  • Where do people go wrong with losing weight and working out
  • Where do you begin when you are just starting your health and fitness journey 
  • The dark side of social media which people don’t speak about
  • Fake Instagram followers and fake lives
  • Dealing with body dysmorphia 
  • What if you don’t have time to workout 
  • Recommended supplements
  • Mental health coping strategies
  • How to release muscle DOMs 

Where to find Joey:


Website: https://joeythurman.com/ 

Follow your host: Instagram: @gembezza

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